Thursday, July 21, 2011

Blogging Fail! And The Big First Birthday!

So I have not had the chance to blog as I want to (obviously).  We have had so much going on during the last month.  Leila had our first overnight hospital stay since leaving the NICU.  Five minutes after we got Leila home, Neil's lung collapsed. He earned an overnight stay at the hospital as well.  Thankfully we have been on the mend since.

On to better and brighter things...THE TRIPLETS TURNED ONE!  We celebrated their birthday with a bash at our house.  So many friends and family came to celebrate.  It was a wonderful day.  As we are all five water bugs, we went with Finding Nemo as our theme.  As you will see from the pictures, a good time was had by all!

                              Charlie thought it was hilarious that mommy and daddy had cake on their faces!